People aren’t the only ones preparing for winter: many pests and rodents use fall as the time to build and prepare their nests for the winter—and as any pest knows, a house provides many opportunities. Rodents and pests need warmth and food during the winter as well. Be sure that your home doesn’t double as theirs, putting you in a position to seek wildlife control in Greenville, SC.
Common fall pests
Rodents, like mice and rats, are extremely common in the fall as we see the temperatures drop. These creatures need warmth to have any chance of surviving the winter, and this need will often bring them to your home.
These rodents are small and quick, usually meaning that they can build a nest in the insulation relatively easily and mostly undetected. However, this can cause major problems for homeowners. Not only are rodents notorious for being carriers of numerous diseases, they also pose as a legitimate fire hazard. They have a tendency to chew through wiring, which is a fire just waiting to happen.
Other pests may include those of insect varieties like cockroaches, stink bugs, bed bugs and the like. Insects, though they are smaller, can be just as damaging (if not more so) than rodent pests.
How to prevent the nesting of common fall pests
Prevention is the best course of action as any one of these pests can cause serious damage in virtually no time at all. These pests also reproduce very quickly, meaning that the situation can get out of control very rapidly. There are thankfully some steps you can take to ward off any infestations:
- Firstly, make sure that all food is sealed and properly cleaned up. Crumbs and unsealed food are like a siren’s call to rodents and pests that are looking for their wintertime meal ticket.
- Another step is to ensure that the foundation of your home is crack free. Cracks often provide the opening that these pests need to intrude upon your space.
- Lastly, keep an eye on your pipes in kitchens and bathrooms—be sure to keep these areas clean and free of any debris that may prove to be tempting to any pest.
Bring in a wildlife removal expert
Sometimes, no matter your preventative efforts, pests and rodents find their way in. Don’t panic. These creatures are crafty, after all, but there’s still hope. Once the pests have entered the home, it is vital to not let the situation get out of control, as they can often cause serious problems.
Usually, it will be easy to identify what kind of pest has invaded your home. Regardless of what it may be, contacting wildlife control in Greenville, SC is a great course of action. A wildlife removal expert will help you easily and effectively remove the rodent or pest from your home so that you can breathe easily.
Even though pests are clever, their arrival isn’t inevitable and you certainly are not powerless. As winter approaches, be sure to do all that you can to protect your home from pests.