It’s not everyday that you come home to find a squirrel in your home or step outside to find a raccoon rummaging through your garbage, although these things have been known to happen to quite a few homeowners! It’s a shocking surprise to say the least.
But, the one common mistake that homeowners frequently make is trying to handle the situation themselves. People believe that opening a door and waiting for the squirrel to escape or shooing away the raccoon is the right approach to dealing with the animal—unfortunately, it’s not.
In the event that you encounter an animal in your living space—whether indoors or outside—it’s paramount that your first and only course of action be to call for professional wildlife removal in Greenville, SC and here’s why:
- Animals are dangerous: The cuddly squirrel might not look dangerous and the raccoon may not be showing signs of aggression, but these animals are dangerous nonetheless. Aside from being able to bite, scratch and more, animals are also known carriers of diseases, which will take a long term toll on your health and wellness if you’re exposed to them. Bottom line: don’t judge a wild animal on its looks or behavior, always call for professional wildlife removal in Greenville, SC.
- They’re unpredictable: If you’re trying to discretely lure an animal away from your home, you’re in for a very sorry surprise—animals are unpredictable and when they’re scared or startled, they become even more predictable. All it takes is one moment of uncertainty and you could have an angry animal on your hands!
- They’re messy: Animals tend to cause destruction when they mix with the civilized world. Think about your naughty dog that eats out of the garbage from time to time and multiply this by a thousand—that’s the mess you’re looking at if an animal isn’t properly removed from your living space. Animals can defecate freely, tear your home to shreds or spread pestilence in other ways if they’re not handled by a trained professional who understands how to mitigate mess and take care of existing destruction.
- You can hurt them: It’s easy to accidently harm animals if you’re unfamiliar with how to appropriately handle them. Trapping a squirrel in a cage might be a triumph for you, but if you accidently hurt it during the process, it’s only going to make that animal more afraid and put them on-edge. Professionals versed in wildlife removal in Greenville, SC understand how to appropriately handle virtually any animal, mitigating the harm that can accidently be caused to them.
- There might be more: Consider this—you find a rodent in your home, catch it and dump it back outside. While the problem is no longer visible to you, what you might not be considering is the presence of more rodents in your home or the concept that the animal you just deposited outside can worm its way back into your home! A professional can root out any other uninvited guests in your home and assure that they don’t re-enter in the near future.
When you experience an animal invasion—whether outside or indoors—be sure that your first approach to dealing with the problem is a call to a professional animal removal service. You’ll do yourself and the animal a favor.