If you suspect that your home may have an unseen rodent problem, there are a few things you can do to immediately address the problem—the first and best of which is to call for wild rodent removal in Greenville, SC. Making this your first option above all others is the safest, most effective way to deal with rodents in your home and will save you the trouble and expense of other methods, like buying glue traps, snap traps and cages.
Many homeowners overlook rodent removal services in favor of store-bought traps, however. For these people, it seems less expensive and easier just to head down to the hardware store and stock up on traps. But, what most don’t realize is that self-serving traps present a whole new set of problems to deal with and can be highly ineffective in both the short and long term. Here are a few reasons to skip the traps and instead call for wild rodent removal in Greenville, SC:
Traps are hazardous to everyone: When you put down a glue trap, snap trap or other type of rodent catching apparatus, it’s easy to forget about the dangers that come with these traps. If you have pets, glue traps can get stuck to their fur, while snap traps can severely injure a curious cat or dog. Likewise, small children who stumble upon these traps can also find themselves in harm’s way, making them a very bad idea for anyone seeking to restore a level of safety to their home.
Dealing with disposal: Even if you’re able to make a rodent trap work for you, there remains the prospect of dealing with the disposal of a dead rat or mouse. These critters are notorious for carrying disease and having a dead one on your hands means exposing yourself and your home to the diseases that they could be carrying. Even if you’re careful to wear gloves and immediately take out the trash, the damage could already be done.
They’re inhumane: When a rodent gets caught in a trap, there’s a very high likelihood that they’re not going to perish instantly. Glue traps starve rodents to death when they’re unable to get away, while snap traps can miss the mark, severely wounding the animal instead of killing it instantly. These traps are crude and inhumane and should therefore be avoided to prevent suffering. Remember, you may see rodents as pests, but that doesn’t mean they’re not still animals.
They don’t address the source: Nabbing a single rodent in a trap may make you feel like you’ve achieved a victory, but the truth is that these traps do nothing to eliminate the source of a rodent problem. For every mouse or rat you catch, there are three more that you don’t see. The only way to truly deal with a rodent infestation is to call for wild rodent removal in Greenville, SC.
If you hear the scurry of small feet and notice the presence of rodents in your home, save yourself the trip to the hardware store and instead call A+ Wildlife Control today, to ensure that your rodent problem is properly, thoroughly and humanely addressed.