Snakes are a common part of life in South Carolina—after all, the state is home to a large variety of these scaly critters! While you should never approach a wild snake for any reason, too often we find ourselves too close for comfort when it comes to proximity. Whether one has silently slithered up alongside you or you’re observing one from a safe distance while you wait for wild snake removal in Greenville, SC, knowing how to identify which ones are dangerous versus which ones are docile can have a significant impact on your situation.
How to spot poisonous snakes
While each snake is different, there are some common traits that you can look for to help warn you about the potential of a poisonous creature. Take a look at some of these traits and learn to avoid putting yourself in a position where you come face to face with a snake that’s touting them:
- Rattle tails: This is an obvious giveaway when it comes to identifying lethal snakes. If you hear a rattle and see a snake, get away from it as soon as possible! Rattlesnakes will attack if provoked and being able to spot a rattle before it’s too late could just safe your life.
- Flat or triangular heads: Snakes sporting flat or triangular heads are almost always poisonous. The skull structure of these snakes is a dead giveaway, much like a rattle, that they’re aggressive and willing to strike if you get too close.
- Pits between nostrils and eyes: These pits signal one thing—the ability to inject venom. You should never be close enough to spot these pits, but if for some unfortunate reason you are, know that you need to remove yourself from that situation as soon as possible.
Always call for wild snake removal in Greenville, SC
No matter how comfortable you are with snakes, make it a point to never approach one in the wild. Wild snakes vary in temperament and will lash out if they feel threatened. Even docile snakes can fight back if they feel as though you’re impeding upon their personal space.
In many cases, being in close contact with a snake isn’t for lack of trying—these animals have a habit of sneaking around unseen and unheard. If you find a snake on your property or in your home, don’t try to make the extraction yourself. Instead, trap the snake if you can without getting close and call for local wild snake removal in Greenville, SC. A professional will know how to properly identify the snake and will take the proper precautions to avoid any confrontation with the animal.
Remember, snakes have a tendency not to stay in one place for very long, so if there’s one on your property, far enough away from your living space, consider waiting to see if it slithers off. If you can identify it at a distance and know it to be dangerous, don’t hesitate, however—it’s best not to put yourself in the position to have to deal with a snake after it has already become a nuisance to you and your family.