There comes a point when humans and animals have to coexist in nature, however this line is fine and often times, there are minor infractions that sway to one side or another. When animals find themselves in residential areas, it often becomes a case of man vs. wild, as these little critters start to creep across that fine line to interrupt the lives of their human counterparts. In many cases, this involves damages to a persons home that are the result of a wild animal living out its daily tendencies in a habitat that’s not quite the one they’re used to.
Here are some of the most common damages seen by homeowners as a result of animals, which may have them calling for wild life control in Seneca, SC before all is said and done:
Destroyed Garbage Bins: Animals love to get into places where food is present. Sadly, much of the time they’ll sniff out the best source of food as being your garbage bins… which can lead to one heck of a mess if they’re able to get into them. One of the most common instances that wild life control specialists in Seneca, SC walk into are ones involving overturned garbage bins, shredded garbage bags and garbage that’s been strewn about. This is more than just an annoyance for homeowners however, it can also be hazardous for the animals themselves—especially if they get into garbage that contains cleaning products or man-made items.
Mangled Landscaping: Your landscaping is probably one of the high points of your yard. From the garden to the trees and bushes that surround your property, there’s nothing nicer than a well-put together layout. Watching all of that hard work slowly become ripped to shreds by invading animals is devastating for many homeowners, however. Whether it’s uprooting flowers in your garden to chew on or digging out massive holes underneath your bushes, many animals will make quick work of your yard if they’re not stopped!
Damage to Your Home: Sometimes, if the animal living in your yard is persistent enough, they’ll even start to move in on your home itself! Small mammals have been known to scent-mark homes, which drives dogs and cats crazy and can lead to some very confusing smells and stains on your siding. Other animals make nests under decks or in rain gutters, which can create territorial disputes if you happen to find yourself working around the house on a nice summer day. Calling for wild life control in Seneca, SC will quickly remedy these issues and ensure that these impeding animals are relocated to a friendly atmosphere.
Sometimes you just need to take back what’s yours, even if it means your yard. If you find that your garbage has had some unwanted diners or your home has become the location for a brand new litter of critters, do the smart thing and have them relocated by an experienced professional, before something happens to trigger an altercation between man and beast.